CO2 Engine Emission Data

As required by Article 43 2016/1628 we are making the measured CO2 value available to you as determined during the EU type-approval process.  You shall communicate this value to the end-user (Statement Defined Annex XIV 2017/654) accompanied by the following statement.

“This CO2 measurement results from testing over a fixed test cycle under laboratory conditions a(n) (parent) engine representative of the engine type (engine family) and shall not imply or express any guarantee of the performance of a particular engine.”

Ferris Model Engine Brand Engine Model CO2 engine emission (g/kWh)
FW15 Honda GXV390UT1-DABG 804.00
FW25 Kawasaki FS600V 851.00
FM35 Vanguard 49R9 886.80
FW35 Vanguard 49R9 886.80
FW45 Vanguard 49R9 886.80
400S Briggs&Stratton 44C7 736.68
IS600 Briggs&Stratton 44T9 736.68
ISX800 Briggs&Stratton 49T8 886.80
ISX2200 Vanguard 49E8 959.80
IS2600 Yanmar 3TNM74F-SAFS 1048.00
ISX3300 Vanguard 61G8 735.69
IS6200 Caterpillar C1.7 902.47
SRSZ1 Kawasaki FX600V 851.00
Kawasaki FX691V 793.00
FB1000 Vanguard 3564 948.20
Rover XC1200CE Vanguard 10V3 840.05
FRC7 Vanguard 38E3 769.66

When consulting CO2 data, always be sure to consult the correct and exact engine model. Consult the engine owner's manual where you can find the corresponding type designation on the engine. Visit the engine manufacturers' websites to retrieve their most recent CO2 data.